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Top Trends for Direct Sales Success in 2021 by Alan Quan

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“Opportunistic Direct Selling companies will look to build stackable income strategies around segmenting seller profiles with complementary work demands, synergistic pull marketing and technology convenience tools (like the Penny App!).”
Alan Quan, Independent Advisor, Trifecta Group

A creative risk-taker, Alan challenges the status quo in direct sales bringing in strategies to take businesses to the next level. After over a decade working internally at Herbalife, Alan is now an independent investor relations advisor on market trends, sales/marketing performance, and financial guidance for the Direct Selling industry.

Find out what Alan expects to see from innovative direct sales companies throughout 2021.

Stacking Side Income Opportunities and Growth Hacking through Social Ecommerce

By Alan Quan

Stacking side income opportunities

Covid-19 has completely reshaped the way we think about traditional jobs, singular employment and income sustainability.

The majority of workers are now demanding remote and flexible work, creating opportunities for stackable income options like direct selling with gig economy jobs and even full-time remote work.

Opportunistic Direct Selling companies will look to build stackable income strategies around segmenting seller profiles with complementary work demands, synergistic pull marketing and technology convenience tools (like the Penny App!) that simplify the customer tracking process, ultimately increasing productivity time and income diversity.

11 Trends and Predictions for Direct Sales in 2021

For more trends and insights from thought leaders in the industry check out

11 Trends and Predictions for 
Direct Sales in 2021 >

Growth hacking through Social Ecommerce

At 10x the size compared to the USA, social e-commerce is massive in China, doing $190B in 2019. Initially slow to catch up, USA Direct Selling companies should take notice, especially with so many in-person retail options shuttering their doors for good.

Direct Selling companies have the advantage here, as already experts in the “social” aspect, their model can be delivered via social e-commerce with the right tools.

Fortunately, dominant social media platforms, like Instagram, are already adding the necessary shopping tools, creating the right options at the right time to build a competitive social e-commerce model for brands and independent direct sellers alike.

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