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Corporate Solutions

Operational Efficiency At Scale

Give everyone the opportunity to succeed

Identified transitioning to digital only interactions as a major challenge*
Identified access to sufficient tools for social selling as a major challenge*
Identified a lack of consultant professional development contributed to churn*

*% of respondents from 2021 Global Direct Sales Industry Benchmark survey

Release the full potential of your IT teams

Return on

Offset your infrastructure costs and fund ongoing IT initiatives with the field’s revenue increase.

Operational Costs

By optimizing your technology delivery with Penny there’s more time for your department to focus on existing platforms so you can invest in the future-proof solutions to scale with your business needs.

Increase Team Capacity

Penny frees up the operational time and expense of delivering and supporting your own in-house field solution. The Penny customer success team will be your field’s first line of support.

Discover how to turn a data-driven, sales enablement platform into your competitive advantage.