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Never let a customer slip through the cracks

โœ“ Delight and Discover

Customer Care Cycle

Your customers are the most important part of your business. Penny creates tasks for every stage of your customer journey.
Reach Out To Customers

Your very first task for reaching out to a new prospect. Good luck!

Follow Up With Customers

Keep building your relationships to learn more about your customer and their pain points.

Appreciate Your Customers

Woo! They placed an order. Check everything is in order and say thanks!

Connect With Your Customers

Has their order been delivered? Find out if they like the products.

Reconnect With Customers

Check back in, continue building relationships and place another order.

Product recommendations, Past customer reconnects, etc

Your business connected

Penny Enterprise connects to your backoffice, and creates tasks unique to your business.

Maximum organization, minimum daily effort

โ€œI open up my app on my phone. I know who to reach out to. I know who to follow up with. I can keep track of my VIP clients. Penny has been a game-changerโ€

โ€“ La Tisha Cotto, Master Life Coach and Motivational Speaker

Watch what LasTisha has to say

Thank you! - Reconnect - Reachout

Keep the conversation going

โ€œI use the Penny app to reach out to every customer after they order with a thank you.

I love that Iโ€™m able to create customized content text messages. It makes follow-up very easy. I have added a link to have customers join my VIP Facebook group to each thank you I send. I love using Penny.โ€

– Penny User

Perfect your customer journey!

Discover more

What is a Customer Care Cycle and How to Build One?
11 Prospecting Script Examples
How to Start Building a Team