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16 Numbers you need to know for Social Selling in 2023

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What are the top opportunities for social selling in 2023? 

Based on the survey results of corporate, leaders, and social sellers globally we’ve drawn out the top trends shaping the future of social selling.

Happiness? Not the first thing you think about when planning for 2023 and beyond? (Especially not when you’re navigating an economic downturn). 

This year, more than ever, people are choosing social selling because they’re looking for a way to make money. But, they’ll end up staying because of the community that makes them feel like they belong. 

In the face of an economic downturn, after the stresses of the unprecedented covid-19 pandemic, the pursuit of happiness is more important than ever.

Having a thriving business is about way more than money. Freedom, flexibility, authenticity, self-improvement and community are all fundamental to living a balanced fulfilling life. They’re now non-negotiable for social sellers.

The Numbers


Outdated onboarding programs

2023 Report Share Image


Who is happy?

Lorman Statistics on Employee Engagement & Happiness

Field Retention

Reason Sellers Quit in the first 30 days

Biggest Challenge

Most Important Skill

Top Priority for 2023

Learning Solutions
Learning & Onboarding
Revenue Impact Calculator
Penny Revenue Impact Calculator
The Evolution of Onboarding
The Evolution of Onboarding

Social Sharing

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