RLDS Sarah Doyle

Crushing their goals, taking each day one step at a time, get a sneak peek into the Real Life of Direct Sellers as we celebrate their talent, grit, and tenacity. Would you like to be featured reach out here.

  1. Rachel Dyan
  2. Farrah Razuri
  3. Rachael Grayce
  4. Susie Cicchino
  5. Sarah Doyle

Rachel Dyan

Rachel shares why choosing the right business for you and your passions is the most important decision in your direct selling career.


"If I've learnt anything with direct selling is that this is my business, but you also want to ensure that you are doing something you're passionate about."

Find out more about Rachel: @rachel.dyan

Farrah Razuri

Watch how Farrah fits her business into the nooks and crannies of her day and is still able to make a six-figure income while being present in her children's lives.


"My name is Farrah Razuri I have been in this industry for 8 years, loving every second of it. It's my passion to impact the lives of others in health and financial freedom. I feel aligned with Isagenix's vision and mission. I proudly became a six-figure income earner while growing a family."

Find out more about Farrah: @fasalifestyles

Rachael Grayce

Rachael is living presently in her 4 daughters' lives by working on her own hours and on her own terms. She is empowering other women to do the same!


"Been in the social selling industry for over a decade.... My favourite part is really being able to be present in my children's lives."

Find out more about Rachael: @_rachael.grayce_

Susie Cicchino

Since being doubtful of the industry, Susie jumped into network marketing with both feet for over 15 years and has never looked back.


"I am a former restaurant owner and I owned a restaurant business for over 18 years plus with my family. A friend of mine invited me to a presentation in her home, I said no twice. But on the third time no one else was going to show up so I felt really guilty and decided to go. I was going to make a pity purchase and leave. But, at the presentation I learnt about time leveraging and residual income and that really blew my mind, I jumped in with both feet and never looked back."

Find out more about Susie: @susiecicc

Sarah Doyle

Sarah shares why you can't take life for granted and why working remotely was the best decision she made for herself and her family.


"I'm a salon owner I'm self employed and in order for me to make a lot of money, I have to spend a lot of time away from my family. When the pandemic hit in march, that is when everything hit me hard. I was put out of work for three months I didn't know how I was going to get any source of income and luckily I had network marketing to fall back on."

Find out more about Sarah: @sarahdoyle2.0

Use #reallifeofdirectsellers to share your story and tag at @getpennyapp to get a chance of being featured.

Penny Encouragement
You are smashing it! Remember, no one said you can't move the goal post for success! Celebrate each small win 🎉
- Penny

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