Nice Woman Type On A Laptop Working At Home Freedom And Happy Thinking Looking Outside

Script writing is difficult (or is it?) 

What is a script? It’s simply a message you send out to customers and prospects. What you really should be asking is what is a good script? A good script converts. “Conversion” is such an impersonal word though. What’s a conversion when you are building a strong long-lasting relationship? Well, all it means is that you are moving your relationship one step forward. A good script is so compelling that people who receive it want to respond to you, buy your product, make a repeat order, join your team or recommend your product to a friend. 

Why do we call them scripts? Well… if you have a message that every time you send it someone replies then you’re going to want to use that message ALL the time and share it with your team. In the direct sales industry, we call that a script. 

Scripts are useful because they give you a starting point. You don’t want to be crafting a new message for every single person you’re reaching out to…but it will give you a base that you can then personalize to the recipient's needs, previous orders, family history — anything that truly matters to them (caution though, we highly recommend not mass messaging people the exact same message!)

In this blog, we’re not going to tell you what to write. We’re going to give you the tools so that when you sit down and start writing your first script or review the ones you’ve been using before you have a checklist to follow so you know your script is the best it can be. Once you have created a couple of scripts try them out and track how successfully they’re performing. From here you can tweak and modify them until you reach script perfection. 

So here is our 6 part checklist for writing better scripts

1. Have a Purpose When Writing your Script

When you’re writing the script make sure you have a purpose. This means identifying exactly why you’re sending them this particular script… 

  • Is this a hello, how are you?
  • Is it a product update?
  • Is it time to ask for a new sale?  
  • Is it about a holiday promotion?
  • Is it about an upcoming event?

One of the top mistakes people make is stuffing their scripts with too much information. 

Try to keep each script about ONE topic otherwise, you run the risk of your customer/team member responding to only half your message or, even worse, it’s too overwhelming and they ignore it completely. 

If you identify the purpose before you start writing it will save you a lot of hassle along the way and make sure your script is focused and effective.

Smiling Biracial Female In Earphones Studying Making Notes

2. Make it Personal 

We all know when we’re sent a mass message… sometimes it doesn’t matter but if you’re building a connection with a new prospect or a new customer then your communication has to be specific to their needs. Making it personal builds on the relationship with that person, showing them that you care about their specific needs/journey. 


  • Everyone likes the sound of their name, so make sure to use it not just at the beginning of the message, but throughout as well.  “Hey Jenn, hope you’re having a good day………. Jenn, our last conversation was about your energy levels…..I thought about you when……” 
  • Even better add a personal detail like, ‘Hey Jenn, how is Bingo doing, saw the latest pic on IG. He’s so cute…’ OR ‘Hey Jenn, how are you? Did you enjoy [PRODUCT NAME]? I just finished my last [PRODUCT NAME] - it was so good! I think I’m going to order another one.’

3. Write How you Talk

Did you ever get this advice at school? For script writing, this is even more important. You’ll read lots of advice about being genuine and authentic… but what does that really mean?

We recommend thinking about what you would say to a person if you were speaking face to face... Write it down and then tweak and refine it. Try to replace “buzz” or “industry” words with a simple, relatable version. Break up long-winded sentences into several short ones.

Words of caution:

  • Unless you know the person, don't use slang (it’s just not a good idea, slang to you might be offensive to someone else!) 
  • When you talk you don’t speak in complete sentences so you might need to add in necessary words to make your message complete.

For some examples of responses check out: What is a customer care cycle in network marketing and how to build one?

Two Friends Having A Casual Conversation At Home

4. Tailor your Language to your Recipient 

Now, this point is kind of counterintuitive to being genuine and authentic like in 3. Write how you talk. But tailoring your language is really important. Depending on who you’re talking to and in what circumstances drastically changes how you write a message. (Would you text your former high-school teacher the same way you text your grandmother?) 

Things to consider:

  • Emojis - do they use emojis? 
  • GIFs - do they use GIFS?
  • Greetings - do they often preface their message with a ‘Hello, how are you?’ or do they like to get straight to the point?
  • Short or long messages?
  • Speediness of reply (if they always reply instantly and you take a week to reply… something is wrong)?
  • Slang?
  • Formal language or casual language?

Tailoring your language is based on the principle of mirroring. People are more likely to trust you if you mirror their language and mannerisms because it is familiar and comfortable to them. Don’t try to copy them but subtly pick up on their communication style. You might find that you have a series of ‘Followup scripts’ tailored for different groups of people and their communication styles. 

Are you writing scripts to help you build your team? Check out Clear Messaging: Make joining your team easy

Happy Mature Older Woman Video Calling On Laptop Working From Home

Building off of point 1. Have a purpose, depending on your purpose make a calculated decision about what link and image to attach (and whether you should attach one at all). 

For example: 

  • If it’s a PERSONAL followup or check in DON’T use a link or an image. You want this message to be completely non-salesy. A product link or image confuses that. (If you want to send a picture of your puppy — please do that! Who doesn’t like a puppy pic?)  
  • If you’re talking about a PRODUCT DO include a relevant link or image to paint the picture of what you’re talking about.
  • If you want people to sign up for an EVENT it is imperative that you DO include the signup link. (Make it easy for them!)

You might think that if you keep on sending your customers the same ‘Before and After’ picture, or product link, or recommended cart link that eventually they will buy from you. DON’T DO IT. If you’re always sending your customers the same link when it’s irrelevant, people will stop clicking on your links and images period. By ensuring that every time you send a link you’re adding genuine value then your customers are far more likely to open it and interact!

Laptop With Latte

6. Good Spelling

We cannot stress enough how important good spelling is. When you’re texting and messaging friends it doesn't matter as much but as soon as you’re communicating with potential new customers or teammates spelling is one of the easiest ways to accidentally ruin your reputation before you’ve even started!

Think about it. You want to sell yourself as a professional business owner and if you’re making repeated sloppy mistakes it shows that you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re in a rush or you actually don’t care. 

Take pride in your communication and double check for any mistakes. 

Common mistakes include: 

  • Spelling someone’s name wrong (triple check their name!!)
  • Using the wrong your (you’re means you are, your means yours)
  • Missing a word completely in your rush to type out the perfect script
  • Using the wrong pronoun. I.e He instead of She. 

How to stop this?

Use a free tool like Grammarly or Hemingway to check your writing before you send it. 

Many network marketers use the same template to send to hundreds of people. Make sure everything is spelt correctly before sending it out otherwise that’s 100 people seeing that you spelt ‘Thanksgiving’ as ‘Hanksgiving’! (NB. If this happens once follow up with everyone and make a related joke like ‘Opps Happy Thanksgiving! Clearly that last glass went to my head!’ - you’ll probably find that more people come back to you and join in on the joke.)

Lady Working At Laptop

Script writing takes time and practice. Some people are naturally good at it and others may permanently struggle but if you use this checklist we guarantee it will help you keep on track as you get better and better at crafting the perfect script. 

Top tip: Write the first draft. Even if it’s awful just get it down and then you can start refining it and making it perfect.  

Script Writing Checklist

  1. Define your script's purpose
  2. Write how you talk
  3. Make it personal
  4. Tailor your language for your recipient
  5. Add value with specific product links and attachments
  6. Spellcheck!

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Did you know that in Penny you can save your best performing scripts and access the top scripts from your company and team?

Learn more about Penny here >

Penny Encouragement
Building a business is a tremendous feat! Give yourself a pat on the back 💜
- Penny

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