Best practices of field communications before you launch Penny.
Whenever new technology is introduced to the field, rapid adoption is the name of the game. Penny is no different. Yes it’s intuitive, yes it’s loved by consultants, yet it’s still something NEW. For many people “NEW” means scary, means change of the routine, and just plain time-consuming when they are already busy juggling so many things in their life. Too often companies spend 80% of their efforts researching the new technology and only 20% on the initiatives critical to the implementation success.
Pre-launch is a key part of ensuring the new technology is widely adopted and shows quick wins right away. Great pre-launch plan includes the following:
- Sharing the vision for WHY new technology is introduced and how it makes lives better
- Clear communications of WHAT is introduced, time-lines & excitement building
- Ensuring the field is comfortable with HOW the technology will help them
- Making new introduction fun and creating a buzz
- Motivating and engaging your field
Consistent communication and setting expectations are key to a successful pre-launch. Here are a few examples of the emails to get you started:
Email 1 – WHY
- Goal: Share the vision for WHY Penny will help the field
- Audience: All levels
Subject: BIG things are coming to [Company]
Hello [First Name],
We have EXCITING news to share with you. Over the next few weeks we’ll be introducing Penny, a solution that will help you take your [insert your WHY – Penny key benefit] to the next level.
[WHY examples for above]
[customer outreach]
[customer care]
[Team engagement]
[If you have any pre-launch plans such as a champion beta group, an incentive for early sign-up or an exclusive badge for the first Penny users tease that here]
Penny is a smart virtual assistant that helps organize your daily activities to increase your sales while also saving YOU time to build a rewarding and balanced life.
Here’s a sneak peak at what’s to come [Video – shortened version]
Email 2 – WHAT
- Goal: Share the core benefits of using Penny
- Audience: All levels
Subject: WHAT Penny will help you accomplish
Hi [First Name],
We’re counting down to launching Penny. We’re really excited for you to meet your new smart virtual assistant. Here’s WHAT Penny will help you with:
Time freedom and working from anywhere
Scalable and repeatable processes
No customers falling through the cracks
All in one organization for your prospects, customers and orders
Increased retention of customers and your team
[Penny User Quote] “Thank you for allowing me to be a better mom, spouse, sister, daughter, friend and business partner! The time I save because of Penny is priceless.” – Amanda Jaxten, Independent Consultant
I can’t wait to see what you can accomplish with Penny!
Email 3 – HOW
- Goal: Share key Penny features
- Audience: all levels
Subject: HOW Penny help you grow your business
Goal: Share key Penny features
Audience: all levels
I’m excited for you to meet Penny, your smart virtual assistant on [Launch Date].
Here’s HOW Penny helps you GROW your business:
Every day Penny organizes a list of tasks for you to complete
Creates reconnects, check-ins and follow ups for you
Prioritizes customers for connecting, along with their order information
Populates orders, pulling upcoming and past orders
Provides videos, articles, and scripts to easily share and track
[Penny User Quote]
Mark your calendars for [Launch Date] and get ready for many more BIG DAYS with Penny’s help.
Use these email templates as inspiration for your comms to the field. Clear and effective communication is one of the most important aspects of implementing successful change.

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