If you’re reading this article you’re probably gearing yourself up to expand your business. Congratulations! This is such an exciting milestone.
As many leaders will tell you, it’s so important to understand your Why, Where and What to help keep you motivated when you’re starting out building your team so that's where we want to start in this article.
Why, Where and What
To get yourself in the right mindset, ask yourself these three questions:
- Why am I building a team?
- Where do I see my team in five years time?
- What is the number one thing I need to get started?
You probably already know the answers to these questions, but you’ll be amazed at what happens when you take a moment to think about your answers and jot them down. (Also it’s a good idea to review the answers every few months and see if it’s something that you need to change later on!) Push yourself to dig deeper into your why. Once you write down your first answer — ask why again, and then three times more — to get to your deepest level of what drives you to work so hard on your business.
Think big when you are imagining your five year plan, once you’ve written that down — think of a three year plan — you’d be surprised how many of your five year goals are also attainable in three years.
You might think this is a strange thing to include on this list, but this is arguably the most important factor. It’s the cornerstone of creating success (and not just in network marketing, in most endeavours).
Despite what some motivational posts say, you don’t need to be 100% confident 24/7 but you need to have courage in your decision and the motivation to follow through because (and you probably already know this) it’s not going to be easy.
This is the reason we started with determining your Why, Where and What because it helps you stay on track, push forward and take building your business one small step at a time. Combine your Why with your most urgent first step. Confidence builds up every time you see progress and success, so breaking things down into small steps and then recognizing and celebrating each step started/completed is critical to building up that “Yes I can!” feeling. A confident outlook will help you fight off any doubts that start to creep in, it will give you a sense of pride in your business and it means you’ll be able to pick yourself up after any setbacks.
Confidence isn’t just important for you though. Passion, excitement and confidence in your business is contagious. If you’re not glowing with confidence and positivity about your business, then how can you expect new team members to be excited and motivated… 🤷♀️ Have you ever noticed how some people naturally draw people into their team, their ideologies or their business? The number one thing they all have in common is, you guessed it, confidence. Just as confidence is an attractive quality when you’re looking for a partner it’s an attractive quality in a team leader.
And when you think of attraction — being authentic, personable rather than arrogant is the way to go.
Read How to duplicate yourself for network marketing success?
So dig deep into your Why:
- Break your activities into small steps
- Celebrate every small success you accomplish
- List your strong qualities
- Build a process around doing this consistently every time you work your business
- And as you see your own confidence grow, remember to share it with others
Recommended songs: Confident by Demi Lovato, Fight Song by Rachel Patten, Stronger by Kelly Clarkson

Personal Brand
This ties into confidence. As a successful business owner you already know that your personal brand is your biggest asset when it comes to building a team.
If, for example, the product you’re promoting is a workout supplement then your personal brand needs to reflect healthy values.
The importance of having a strong personal brand is even more important when you’re building your team. When customers are looking to join your team they want to look up to you as a leader. They want to share your interests and align with your values. When those values align with the reasons you’re growing your business, you have a powerful engine to build a committed community and thriving team!
Read Clear Messaging: Make Joining your Team Easy
Personal Brand Review
Take some time to review these areas of your business to make sure your personal brand is supporting you as you build your business.
- Strong social media profiles - so when you reach out to people they know who you are and feel honoured that you chose them
- When someone sees your post they need to immediately know it’s yours. This could be by using the same filter for your photos or starting your caption with the same emoji or phrase ‘Hello lovelies…’
- Post high-quality content that reflects well on you i.e Ask yourself — Does this add value to my audience? Does it brighten their day? Do my images reflect what I want to look like? (General rule of thumb — no blurry images or low-quality stock photos).
- Make the most of each platform you're using and have a different strategy for Instagram vs Facebook vs Pinterest etc.
- Excellent people skills - leave a good lasting impression so people naturally come to you and your business
- You never know who you might interact with that might be interested (or know someone who is interested) in joining a network marketing team so you need to show that you’d be a great person to work for and with.
- Be friendly, be supportive and treat others how you wish to be treated.
- Creating genuine connections - so people know you care about them and their Why and not just your bottom line
- In real life and online. In your enthusiasm to talk about your business don’t forget to learn more about your customers. Find out what they care about and what is going on in their lives.
- Building trust and rapport is far more likely to bring people to your team than you constantly selling to them. (Just a friendly reminder to take the sales hat off sometimes!)
A strong personal brand isn’t just important for being a leader it’s important for social media. Check out the Create your Personal Brand section in How to use Instagram for Network Marketing
When you're starting to build a team for your business use these tips to create a strong foundation.
- Why, Where and What
- Confidence
- Personal Brand

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