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What better way to build excitement for your Penny launch than with a live event?

You could tie Penny into one of your regularly scheduled events (some companies have played the Penny advert at their annual kick-off events to great success) or you could host a standalone event announcing the partnership… or both!

Depending on what events you decide to plan we can arrange for a member of Penny to talk at your event (virtually or in-person depending on logistics). This is a great way for the field to learn firsthand about why Penny was created and how it has already helped tens of thousands of direct sellers. Depending on the event scope, it also gives the field an opportunity to ask live questions to address any of their concerns. 

Live Launch Event 

Reach out to your Penny Account Manager to develop your Penny launch event today.

Sample Agenda:

  1. Welcome from [Company Name] Ambassadors
    • Penny Initiative Executive Champion (CEO/CMO or Head of Sales Enablement), Power Users that have used Penny, initial user group, leaders already leveraging Penny with their teams
  2. Welcome from Penny Ambassadors
    • A member of Penny Success or Executive team via Live or Video recorded message
  3. Penny Presentation Deck 
    • A presentation focusing on Penny benefits, sharing the ways Penny is driving [Company goals], examples of Penny usage at [Company]
  4. Getting set up on Penny together with Penny Ambassador  - Sign In + Connect Your Back Office (all together)
  5. Announce prize for first Penny competition 
    • Draw for users that have uploaded contacts, highest tasks completion, uploaded scripts.
Penny Encouragement
Investing in yourself = PRICELESS 🦋
- Penny

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