How To Share Content

Join me as I show you how to share engaging content in Penny!

Sharing content is a great way to:

  • Share value
  • Keep the conversation going
  • Prove you're a professional business owner
  • Demonstrate the benefits of your products or business opportunity

Make sure the content you're sharing is engaging otherwise it's doing you a disservice.

Not all content is created equal

Engaging content! That's what you want to share in Penny. Penny has a great content feature where you can upload your favorite content items about products, the business opportunity, promotions, deals, etc.,

  • Do share benefits about your products or opportunity
  • Do share extra information people have requested
  • Do share relevant promotions and deals
  • Do share relevant new product announcements
  • Do share relevant event invitations
  • Don't share just because it's your month end and you want to reach a new rank
  • Don't share if it's purely self-serving
  • Don't share to tell people what to do

Also in this Penny Place episode:

  • How to favorite content (so it appears at the top in your favorited section)

Thank you so much for watching today, join the conversation live on Facebook at Penny Place.

Penny Place is the official Facebook group for Penny app users to come together and learn about how to use Penny to build your business. Ask questions, discuss features, give feedback — this is your place for anything Penny app related. All Penny users are welcome, we focus predominantly on Penny Essential & Penny Thrive features!

Penny Encouragement
You are smashing it! Remember, no one said you can't move the goal post for success! Celebrate each small win 🎉
- Penny

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