How to be Inclusive with your Social Selling Strategy
The industry is changing, and so is your downline
Hello! Welcome back ✨
Chris Kennedy is the chairperson of Penny’s DIB committee and the Director of the Vancouver Pride Society, he’s here today to share his knowledge about how to be more inclusive with your social selling strategy.
In Chris’ LevelUP course, he shares:
- What’s been shifting in the industry
- How to be more inclusive with your language
- How to create accessible content
- How to lead by example
- And what to do when you make a mistake (we all make mistakes – it’s part of the learning process)
Let’s get started! 🌟
Hey, everyone. 👋 My name is Chris Kennedy and I use he/him pronouns.
I’m a Director of the Vancouver Pride Society. I’m the Board Communications Director for Fierte Canada Pride, which is the National Pride Organization here in Canada. And I’m also the chairperson of Penny’s Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging committee. 💜 Previous to that, I represented all of the front store managers here in BC on a national diversity, equity and inclusion working group with my previous employer. And I’m super passionate about diversity, inclusion, belonging, equity, community and body positivity for and within the queer community.
Today, I’m going to talk to you about how you can be more inclusive with your social selling strategy. For generations, the direct sales industry and the employment opportunities within it were solely marketed towards women. Now in 2022, we’re proud to say that things within the industry, they’ve begun to shift. 🌟
The direct sales industry is still predominantly women, but we’re seeing more men playing an active role in direct sales with some forming their own downline solely of men. We’re also seeing more of our trans family in the industry, as well as non-binary individuals who may have found it a bit more challenging, or a bit more intimidating for them to participate openly and authentically in the past.
All these changes are great, but what does it all mean? And how can you respect this ever-changing landscape of inclusivity while also acknowledging it and lending your voice to it all?
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Chris Kennedy he/him
"I am an active and passionate member of Penny’s Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity Group and enthusiastically look for fresh and creative ways to further inclusion in all aspects of life."Every day we’ll send you a new lesson hosted by an expert in their field. In just 2 minutes they’ll give you a practical, takeaway tip on how to take your business to the next level.