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How to Write a Business Plan for Social Selling

What is a Business Plan?

A goal without a plan is just a wish

Get ready to learn how to write the ultimate business plan with Jim Larsen. LevelUP your business with a plan that aligns with your goals and maps out the practical steps you’re going to take to achieve them.


  • What is a business plan
  • Why it will keep you on track
  • What to include in the plan

Hey, what’s going on, guys, my name is Jim Larsen, business coach, creator of highlight link and host of the multi-level leadership podcast for the next generation of network marketing leaders.

I’m here to show you how to create an actual business plan for your business. You know, most of us didn’t go to business school. We didn’t start as entrepreneurs. We jumped into network marketing as a way to create something on the side that has big potential. But how many people actually achieve that big potential?

The statistics say it’s not that many, but that’s not the fault of the industry or your company. It’s usually simply the fault of expecting business results from hobby effort. I’m going to show you in the short series how to create an actual business plan. And first of all, if we’re going to do that, you need to know what a business plan is and why it’s important.

Imagine for a second that I hand you a Ziploc bag full of puzzle pieces, but I never actually give you a picture of what those puzzle pieces are supposed to assemble to look like and create. You just have a bunch of pieces with no idea where they go or what you’re building. How difficult is that?

Or imagine this Home Depot just drives up to your house in a big flatbed, and they drop off a bunch of wood and a bunch of nails to your house so you can build a pergola. But you don’t have a blueprint. You don’t have instructions. You just have the supplies. And this is literally what operating a business without a business plan is like. You sign up. Your company gives you resources and tools. Your upline says, go, and you’re like, but what am I even building?

A business plan is going to answer those major questions.

  • What am I doing?
  • Where is it going?
  • How am I even getting there?

And we’re going to do that together in this series. In the next video, I’m going to introduce you to a tool that I use with my business coaching clients called a GPS.

Jim Larsen

Business Coach, Business Builder, Author, Podcast Host, Jim Larsen is here to support you build the business of your dreams. Jim is all about having fun. He believes "making money in business is just a BYPRODUCT of solving problems and having fun doing it."
Jim Larsen
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