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How to Write a Business Plan for Social Selling

How to Create a Strategy to Achieve your Goals

How will you achieve your goals?

In Jim’s final lesson, it’s time to take all the work you’ve done defining your goals, aligning your priorities and now figure out what you need to do to achieve them. So take the time now to plan out the daily, weekly, monthly tasks that will keep you on track to achieving your goals.


  • How to realistically achieve your priorities
  • How to work backwards for success
  • How to align priorities with budgets and resources
  • How to quantify your activities

So how do we do it then we need a strategy, and this is the next part, we’re going to take each priority you laid out and we’re going to break it open with strategic items that we can do.

So priority number one? Write it down. Look at it. What can you realistically do? And you want to put at least three or four things that you can do to actually make that priority happen? So pulling off our previous example to get a team of 200 people, I need to be personally recruiting. So let’s say I’m going to send a hundred invitations to earn more every single week. I’m writing that down as a strategy. I’m going to make sure there’s at least 1 Info session every single week that my team can leverage and send prospects to. And I’m thinking in my mind, if someone else isn’t doing an info session that we can jump on and leverage, I’m going to have to lead 1. So what am I writing down? One info session every single week, I’m going to host one team bonding event every single month, right? Just build that culture, OK, one team bonding event. Putting all this in my strategies. What am I doing?

So every idea I have that’s going to be that’s going to work to bring about, and then it’s just going in that order. OK, so what’s your next priority? Personal sales? What can you practically do to grow your customer base and get personal sales? You’re listing out like three or four items, then you’re going to do the same for priority three. And if you have a priority four or five, you’re going to do the same. I would cap it at 5. I would not have more than five priorities or five focal points.

Now you want to have some fun. Let’s have some fun. We’re going to put this all together. So you have this one page GPS. This is your compass for the year. It guides you. Laminate that sucker. Put it up on your wall in front of you. Keep that in front of you.

Now our job is to take that and put this in the calendar to actually plan this. We’re adults. We know if this does not hit our calendar, it is not happening. So at the end of one year, you need to be making $2000 a month, which means a team of 200 people, 1,200 personal sales and a ton of personal growth. OK, that’s where you need to be at the end of the year. So let’s break it into quarters. If that’s the year end quarter four end goal, where should you be at the end of quarter three? Oh, maybe making $1,200 a month team of 100 and twenty, right? You’re just kind of taken off that in a realistic way. Quarter two maybe you’re a team of 75 making $750. End of quarter one, maybe you’re a team of 30 making $300 passively. You’re just deciding if this is where I am quarter four, where am I quarter three? Where am I quarter two? Where am I quarter one?

OK now quarter one. We’re just going to Zoom and break open this quarter, quarter one, you decided where you need to be at the end of the quarter. But looking specifically here, where do you need to be at the end of each of the three months in the quarter if you’re going to hit the quarter goal? So we’re looking at these three months, what needs to happen in each of these three months if we’re going to hit the quarter goal now we broke open the three months now go to just this month. Where do you need to be? At the end of this month, we decided that to hit the quarter. So let’s break open the month into four weeks. What needs to happen in each of the four weeks of this month. If we’re going to hit that month goal. So we can hit the quarter goal. So we can be on pace for the year? So looking at this month, we got four weeks. OK, great. What needs to happen each week? And then we’re zooming in what needs to happen this week and then what needs to happen today? This is how you work a plan. Guys, this was fun. You’ve got all the PDFs resources to put your business plan to paper and then take action again. I’m Jim Larsen. You can find me on Instagram @meetjimlarsen. Just spell my last name right? It’s L A R S E N, and you can also find me hosting the multilevel leadership podcast, the only place training the next generation of network marketing leaders and always I’m promoting highlight link as the most powerful link in bio sharing tool for these solopreneur and network marketer. It was my pleasure hanging out with every single one of you. I hope to connect soon. Cheers

Jim Larsen

Business Coach, Business Builder, Author, Podcast Host, Jim Larsen is here to support you build the business of your dreams. Jim is all about having fun. He believes "making money in business is just a BYPRODUCT of solving problems and having fun doing it."
Jim Larsen
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