Levelup Icon LevelUp! How to Rank Advance in 5 Simple Steps with Melissa Martin
How to Rank Advance in 5 Simple Steps

Know your WHY Behind your Goal and Vision

Why do you want to achieve your vision and goals? ⭐️

Join Melissa’s LevelUP course as she helps you prepare to rank advance and/or achieve your business specific goals. In Melissa’s first lesson learn how to reframe your mindset so you’re ready to pursue your goals.


  • Your why
  • Why your WHY is so important
  • What’s your motivation

Hi, my name is Melissa Martin, and when I stepped foot into the network marketing industry just like you, I had big dreams and big goals. I wanted to create a massive impact and help others do the same. And I knew that growing in my leadership and more specifically rank advancing would allow me to do that. ⭐️

After building a successful business in the industry and now coaching high level entrepreneurs, I know exactly what it takes to not only hit the goals that you have on your vision board, but do it in a sustainable long term way. In these next five videos, I will walk you through a simple process to setting goals and achieving them in a way that not only helps you rank advance, but helps you embody and step into a higher level of leadership so that you can sustain your rank now and into the future.

Step one is to get super clear on your why?

  • Why does this matter to you?
  • Why is this rank the most important thing for you to do right now?

If you don’t have a clear vision as to why, then the moment the rank comes, it’s gone and you’re not really tapped into the bigger vision and you can’t communicate this to your team. So being tied into the why is one of the most important steps when it comes to goal setting. But it’s a little bit more than just the why you are writing the story that you’re going to tell in five years from now. What is a story that you want to write? What is the vision that you want to cast for those new leaders that are coming into your team? And how do you want to help them tap into their why as well?

One of the things that is so important about rank advancing is really getting clear on what lesson it is that you are meant to learn at every single rank. Every rank has a lesson to teach you. ✍️ Every rank has an opportunity for you to grow in your leadership, and if you focus on building leadership and get super clear on your why, the rank will naturally fall into place. So after this video is over, take some time to really reflect on your why. What is this rank mean to you? What is it going to allow you to do in your life? But more importantly, what does it represent for your team, the future of your team? The story that you’re going to tell and what is the lesson in it for you?

Melissa Martin

Melissa specializes in empowering entrepreneurs to embody their next level of leadership. A Business & Embodiment Coach, Melissa helps Network Marketers radiate authentically, lead with authority and attract abundance with ease. After hitting a few plateaus in her business, Melissa began to learn that the key to success was not found in someone else’s strategy, but from doing her own inner work and tapping into her own authentic voice. Taking ownership of her growth and leading from a place of true authenticity eventually led to her speaking on several stages, hosting women empowerment events and leading others to their own version of success.
LevelUp Instructors Melissa Martin
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