PPI Meaning

What does PPI mean in the Penny App?

PPI in the Penny app means Penny Performance Indicator

Why is it important to track your performance and progress?

If you've watched Jim's LevelUP course 'How to Write a Business Plan for Direct Sales' you know why tracking your progress is so important.

When you're growing your business it's key to have a clear set of goals in mind and an action plan for how you're going to reach those goals.

The PPI (Penny Performance Indicator) helps you keep track of how many tasks you're completing to help you quantify week on week whether you're doing enough of the right tasks to achieve your goals.

Learn more about your Penny app and how to run your whole business from The Daily here. Remember if you need an extra hand with any of the Penny features reach out to Customer Support by clicking the chat button in app.

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