Time Management Tips for Network Marketers
The 3 checklists you need for ultimate productivity
Do you know what you need to do daily, weekly and monthly?
In lesson 2, Megan helps you take a step back from the chaos and list out everything you actually want and need to do to run your business.
Grab a piece of paper, a notebook or your laptop and get ready to make some checklists. (Don’t worry it doesn’t need to be pretty!) 🌸
Welcome back 🎉
All right. The next thing that I want to tackle here to help you with all things time management is a concept of daily, weekly and monthly checklists.
What do I mean by that? Well, when we are in the throes of growing our business, whether we’re new or whether we’ve been at it for a long time, it can get very easy for us to kind of feel like everything is coming at us all day and we’re constantly stopping and shifting gears to reach out to a prospect to respond back to a customer or to answer a question from a team member. Perhaps your business has samples and you’re rushing to get that sample out in the mail today. Well, if we’re not careful, we are going to be feeling like we’re just on this hamster wheel. Go, go, go. Without any real understanding of what should be done and when.
So I would encourage you to grab a piece of paper, divide it into three columns, and at the top, label it:
- Daily tasks
- Weekly tasks
- Monthly tasks.
And now, when you are not in the throes of responding, do this at a quiet time. Really sit down and ask yourself, what are the things that I want or need to do every day for my business?
Daily Tasks 🍏
So some of those activities might be checking in to see if any customers need any help, perhaps having a set time that you respond to team members with any questions. Maybe there is social media work that you are doing to grow your business that you want to be doing every day.
Weekly Tasks 🌟
Then think about what are those things that maybe don’t need to happen every day but can be moved to more of a weekly task, perhaps even twice a week? An example that I had used with one of my businesses was sending out samples in the mail, not having to deal with that every day, but maybe once or twice a week. All those requests have queued up and once a week you can package up samples and get those out. Perhaps you are sending out a newsletter on a weekly basis. So those are the kinds of things that might go into that weekly task.
Monthly Tasks 🌲
And then on the monthly tasks, what are the things that may be only need to do once a month in your business? So again, that could involve possible newsletters that can involve tracking data about your business. And if you’re using the Penny app, that’s something I lean into every single month.
I get incredible information from that and I use that to track the metrics in my business. So set up these three checklists, your daily checklist, your weekly checklist and your monthly checklist. And then I’m going to tell you what we’re actually going to do with those checklists next.
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Megan Sumrell
"I help people master time management, organization and productivity. Do you ever feel overwhelmed and frazzled? Walking through the motions day after day “getting it done” but flat out exhausted?If you are exhausted from #allthethings and want to gain control over your calendar again, I want to help YOU!" - Megan SumrellEvery day we’ll send you a new lesson hosted by an expert in their field. In just 2 minutes they’ll give you a practical, takeaway tip on how to take your business to the next level.