How to Use Email Marketing for Social Selling
How Do I Build Relationships Using Email?
Creating Connection via Email 💌
Be personal. In Rachel’s third lesson she dives into the content to include within your emails so you’re actively building a relationship with your subscribers.
- Email content suggestions
- The importance of connection
- Why VALUE is more important than SELLING
Let’s talk about how you can build relationships… using email. I hear this all the time. Rach, email? You can’t build relationships. People just delete my emails. Well, they’re deleting your emails because there’s not value in them, and we’re going to talk about how to add value in the next video. But for right now, I really I want to show you, tell you express to you… The most important step when starting to use email is that you need to know who you’re talking to. This isn’t just actually for email, either. This is for your business.
You’ve got to know who your ideal customer is. Think about it. If you are talking to a grandmother who is retired and is starting to live life, you know, free without kids, without just has grandkids coming to visit. They have this life where they travel. You’re going to speak a different language to her than you are to the 30-year-old mom who has three kids under four, right? It’s a very different language, not because they can’t understand each other, but because they’re in a different life stage. So that life stage is different. And there are different things that make you tick. Listen when I was a young mom, my life consisted of surviving and nap time. But now that I have teenagers, my life is very different. I’m speaking a different language. I’m more concerned about how are my kids doing? And are they home, right? Whereas when they were younger, it was very different. I had different needs. So what was interesting to me then? What my hobbies were, what my interests were, are different when I was a mom of young kids than what they are now.
So you’ve really got to nail down who you’re talking to because if you don’t know who you’re speaking to, you won’t connect with anyone. And I hear all the time, oh, but Rachel, my product is great for everyone. I’m sorry, friend, you’ve got a niche down because if you’re speaking to everyone, you’re talking to no one. In the next video, we are going to talk about the importance of adding value in your emails.
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Rachel Perry
"I'm here to help you attract the right people so you can get new customers who beg to join your team rather than you begging them. Having built my own direct sales business, I learned how frustrating it can be when you're trying to attract the right people. After working with thousands of direct sellers, I developed an email system that any direct seller can use to attract the right people to their list." - Rachel Perry, Direct Sales Business Coach
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