Reframing Sales | Discover How you’re Selling Already
BONUS: Remember to Never Prejudge
We need to talk about sales…
Surprise! LaTisha share’s an anecdote from her early days in direct sales and how it completely changed her perception of how she ran her business.
- Why you should never prejudge someone
Surprise, you get an extra video, I have enjoyed my time with you so much that I want to continue pouring into you. I’m going to share it with you. Something that happened to me that profoundly impacted the way that I view outreach, and I hope it does the same for you.
So when I first started my business, I made my list of people that I thought would be a great fit for either the business or the products. And there was one lady in particular that we worked together many moons ago, and I thought, man, she would be great for this business. She’s XYZ. So I reach out to her and I’m like, hey, you know, I’m doing this thing. I think you’d be great at it. And long story short, it turns out that she was already a business partner in my company.
Now, mind you, my experience of my company, of network marketing of anything before starting my business. Last year in 2020 was 0. No one has ever reached out to me and asked me to try products or to join their business. I didn’t know anything about it. I had never even heard of my company. How did I find out about them? Through Instagram. So when she told me that I was like, “Girl, why didn’t you say something? Like, I love these products! I love the business, I love network marketing. I totally would have supported you”. And she said, “Oh, I didn’t want to bother you”. And that really stayed with me because probably what happened was she made her list and she saw me on Facebook, we’re Facebook friends, and she probably thought “LaTisha would never do this. She would never try these products. She would never join the business”. And she was wrong.
So the way that I see it, I simply share, educate and problem solve, giving people the information that they need, and I allow them to make a decision. But I never make assumptions. I never say, oh, so-and-so is a lawyer or, you know, so-and-so is a multimillionaire, they would never do something like this. That’s not my call to make. And I have been so blessed by this industry, by my company, by my team. I genuinely love what I do, and I could have been doing it sooner had she had the courage to reach out to me. So I want to encourage you to reach out to people, give them what they need to make a decision and let them make it. You don’t make it for them, ok?
I’ve enjoyed my time with you. I bless you. I bless your business. I’d love to hear from you. I’d love to hear about your greatest takeaways from the series. Please feel free to send me an email at Talk to you soon!
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LaTisha Cotto
My name is LaTisha Cotto. I’m a Master Life Coach + Motivational Speaker. I’m obsessed with helping YOU love yourself into the life of your dreams. There’s a saying that, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” I believe that it’s not an accident that you stumbled onto my course. YOU ARE READY TO OWN YOUR MAGIC. It’s my joy and honour to remind you of your innate brilliance, resilience and worthiness.Every day we’ll send you a new lesson hosted by an expert in their field. In just 2 minutes they’ll give you a practical, takeaway tip on how to take your business to the next level.