How to Build a Dream Team of Social Sellers
How to Build Relationships
How to Build Relationships 💜
Welcome to Courtney’s LevelUP course! Learn Courtney’s exact process to building and growing a social selling dream team.
- How to be authentic
- Why sharing is so important
- The questions you need to ask while building a relationship
Hey, everybody. My name is Courtney VanAuken, I have been in social selling for five years and today at LevelUP I’m going to give you the valuable tools, the skill sets, the tactical things that you need to do every single day in your business in order to grow your team.
Growing your team is the key to social selling. In the last year alone, I’ve brought in anywhere from 15 to 60 recruits every single month. How did I do it? 🤩
I’m going to give you those tools today in five different parts so you can go right away and start maximizing your business by maximizing your team.
Number one, we need to create relationships with our prospects. Someone’s going to join you because they have a relationship with you. And they trust you. As soon as you gain your potentials trust, they’re 10 times more likely to join your team. So building those relationships, how do we do it?
- We’re showing up on our social media.
- We’re being authentic to ourselves. Every single day.
- We’re sharing who we are and what our goals are for the future.
So this prospect will go along on that journey with you. And then when you get into a personal conversation, whether that be video chat or message or phone call, whatever that is for you, as long as you’re building that relationship with them, finding out why they want to join your business, what they want the income for, right? What’s it going to help them with? Find all those key factors so you can establish that relationship with them. They’ll start to trust you even more. And then they’ll realize that if they were going to join any business, it’s going to be with you because they have that amazing relationship with you.
⭐️ So start showing up on your social media authentically you and be as personal as possible. I like to use voice messages when I’m talking to my recruits. I like to get on video calls just so they can see I’m a real human and not a robot behind the computer.
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Courtney VanAuken
Courtney is an experienced marketing data analyst with a Masters in Business Administration. Her network marketing business skyrocketed when she applied her business skills to social selling. Courtney is here to share her formula for building a social selling dream team.
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